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CrimsonInferno last won the day on January 23 2014

CrimsonInferno had the most liked content!

About CrimsonInferno

  • Rank
    �. ∙ : ∙ . . ∙ : ∙ . �

Profile Information

  • Gender
    I don't want it to change things between us
  • Location
    The Mountains
  • Interests
    Books...books, books, books, books, books and let's see...um, games!

Engines I Use

  • RPG Maker VX Ace
  • RPG Maker XP


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
  • Class Title
  • Other Skills
    Writer, Composer and Spriting
  • Project(s)
    Black Moon (Prophecy) [XP]

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  1. It has been forever...good to see the forum is still going. Too many have died in the passed few years. :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Polraudio


      Need to use bigger worms :P

    3. Marked


      I think you're right...


      Bob, stop sending me so much pr0n0 OMG the male-to-female ratio is just too disproportionate x.x



    4. ShinkuAura


      There we go again with Bob and his Pr0n0. Which isn't that bad per say..

  2. I agree with Lucas (Pol), and Heretic86 offered a lot of great comments and problems with VX. I just cannot find any part of me that would switch, fully, over to VX or even ACE. It might be something I would mess with for non-serious games or just to mess around with it, but XP has way more advantages to it. The only good thing I can think of that VX has is its newer RGSS, which I can't say is all that much of a "push" since it can now be "used" in XP. XP and 2003 for me. Both have a charm that VX doesn't have and probably will never have.
  3. Wow, Enigma! Welcome back to the forums! :)
  4. Welcome to the forums, Jeff! Enjoy your stay here and remember to have fun!
  5. Yea, I wasn't sure what to call it. :P And I'm still searching all my bookmarks for what you need, or something similar.
  6. I looked and looked for days and the best I could find were tiny tilesets for VX where the sails were open, and this was found on a German site. But again, they were very tiny. I even tried to sprite it out myself and realized I'm not at that level yet, so I tried it again for three hours and ended up scrapping it. Maybe someone else can achieve where I failed, and I certainly hope they can because I hate it when people's sprite request threads go untouched. :(
  7. I like the new update. It is certainly easier to spot which means it is easier for new members, especially those who have never really gotten the hang of a forum before. Mine isn't up yet because I only recently got my key back and am working on a few things about the game first. Now that I am the sole member of my team things have gotten harder. xD
  8. *sees quotes from Captain Reynolds* Okay, so someone has been watching Firefly! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bob423


      *raises hand* I am guilty

    3. CrimsonInferno


      Ah, so you are responsible! Well...good job! xD It might make more people want to watch just out of curiosity!

    4. Foxkit


      Oh I'm going to a special kind of hell...

  9. I was shown this by a few friends over twenty times before I finally gave in and tried it. It is how I started, though granted I'm not all that good as it really is just something I do with spare time. The information located on that page can easily confuse and scare people away from language creation. Good places to read up on the terms like morphology, case, headers, relative clauses or whatever else is through--as stated by the opening post--other resources. You want to aim for books for beginnings, usually titled "Course 101" for Linguistics. And then reading Wikipedia pages on Linguistics terms, and then look through real languages for an even better understanding. There are tons of communities that can offer help, too. :)
  10. Never knew you made videos. I've watched two of them so far, they are really good :) And I think you'll enjoy Morrowind. I first started on Skyrim but Morrowind, when overhauled, is one amazing game. Very few games beat it out. :D
  11. Yay! I got my key back! I tried so many things, I even redid my Win7 install as 64bit. Finally, it didn't give me the "invalid" key error! If only there was a way to install on external hdds then I would not have to go through this again. lol

    1. Marked


      Do you know what you did to make it work?

    2. CrimsonInferno


      Yup. I reinstalled Windows as 64bit (have 8GBs of ram now so I had to anyway), opened my firewall and made the installation directory allowed through, did it to my anti-virus, right clicked the exe and then ran the game as XP&Admin. It stopped saying it was invalid after that point. :)


      And I also used the latest download available on the website. Apparently, as tech said to me, using older downloads to activate the product will always throw back invalid because it takes differe...

  12. Wow, Iaansolo! Welcome back! :D VX/ACE tile limitations is a massive drag. >.>
  13. Yea, I haven't tested it out yet. I don't have RPG XP installed (waiting for support) so I'm waiting until then. :) And okay, that makes sense. For some reason I thought there would be two places for discussion. :P
  14. Steam is selling RPG VX ACE for 17$ right now! If anyone is interested. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CrimsonInferno
    3. Bob423


      I still don't think $17 is worth it lol

    4. CrimsonInferno


      Oh. lol Neither do I. I'm content with XP.


      What they "added" to ACE is not much, at least not to justify another 69$ purchase.

  15. This is amazing! Such a good idea and I love how it was implemented! Is this essentially the "download" page or what does this mean for the game threads and their sub-forum? Also, does this include comment system/discussion or will it later include them? Nice work Marked, it is brilliant. :) p.s where is the dashboard you spoke of?
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